Disc Replacement| Mountain Surgery Center Procedures

At Mountain Surgery Center in West Orange, New Jersey we offer plenty of procedures to patients. MSC uses the latest advancements in technology and we are committed to providing you with excellent healthcare.

skeleton figure to show back disc's

Our center is a leader in healthcare quality and our team is committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate healthcare service.

Are you or a loved one experiencing neck pain that was caused by a herniated disk, bone spurs, or a failed neck surgery?

If the answer is yes, continue reading more about disk replacements as it is one of the various procedures we offer at MSC.

What Is A Disc Replacement?

Our ambulatory surgery center is trained to perform minimally invasive procedures that will allow you to undergo convenient procedures with quality care and care. An artificial disc replacement is one of those minimally invasive procedures which significantly reduces the pain and recovery a patient normally experiences when undergoing surgery. This is because the procedure does not require any tissues or muscles to be moved or cut. Patients who undergo this procedure experience surgery for an hour and can be released the same day.

Cervical artificial disc replacements, also known as ADR, aim to relieve pressure on any nerves that may be compressed and allow your body to maintain motion at the repaired spinal level.

An ADR is a newer surgery and a more advanced treatment that has proven to be very successful and has recently received FDA approval. These discs provide support for the neck's vertebrae as well as allow a range of motion for the head. You can learn more information on how the six intervertebral discs in the neck allow your cervical spine to move in all different directions by watching this video.

male in bed with back pain

Prior to this procedure, the affected disk was removed and the vertebrae above and below were fused to prevent motion. This procedure may be considered an alternative to a cervical fusion if that option has failed. It is a surgery that joins two or more vertebrae together. The purpose of the procedure is to prevent the bones from moving and relieve back pain. Their movement changes after the bones have been fused.

By doing this, you avoid stretching nearby nerves, ligaments, and muscles that could have caused discomfort. The cervical artificial disc replacement is a more advanced surgery and does not require patients to wear any type of bracing after the procedure. Cervical discs can begin to collapse as you get older, which can cause degenerative disc disease. If you are a patient who may suffer from degenerative disc disease or a herniated disc then you may be a candidate for ADR.

Mountain Surgery Center can help you decide if a cervical artificial disc replacement is the right procedure for you. We have over 10 highly skilled physicians from all over the world that specialize in orthopedics and pain management and are here to provide you with proper healthcare. You can visit our website or call us at 973-376-3390 to discover more information about artificial disk replacements or the other procedures we offer at MSC.


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